It's long overdue. Time for a house clearing and some major reorganization of presence on the web.The site will continue to function as is for the time being. I will continue to post in a somewhat regular fashion, but there will be significantly less new content being published. The new site,, will now host all of my personal work, while gradually the origins site will be phased out and re-vamped into something completely different. What that is I'm not quite sure, but I have a few ideas cooking.The new feed address is The origins feed will stay the same for now, though eventually it will most likely forward here. I encourage everyone who is subscribe to update to the new address. I'll send out some more reminders on this over the next few weeks. If you wish to subscribe via email, visit the Subscribe page.A good deal of the static content here is the same, with a few updates, additions and minor changes. The fine art prints section has been completely overhauled. Check out the print sets page for custom image sets.Some notes on code. I have done very little debugging for Internet Explorer and make no promises that it will function perfectly, or even properly. If it doesn't work, download a real browser instead of an over inflated piece of bloat-ware like IE.As always, enjoy...