I've Never Actually Been To Frankfurt...

Technically speaking, I’ve passed through Frankfurt twice, en-route to Budapest and back home again by way of Prague. I can say, in no uncertain terms, that I do not recommend Frankfurt International Airport. It felt like one of those older small airports that wants to be a big airport but just ends up being a poorly run bus station with no logical layout and everyone was completely, utterly rude. Avoid at all costs…

Running for a connecting flight, Frankfurt International Airport.

Budapest on the other hand was a riot… “took the waters” as they say, at the Gellert Thermal Baths, and a cruise down the Danube, wandered around the Great Market Hall, got a box at the National Opera House to see a Tchaikovsky ballet, and eventually found our way to some random collection of divey bars built up in an old factory while surrounded by chain smoking 23 year olds that made us feel just a little bit ancient…

Taxi ride into Budapest.

Szabadság híd Bridge, Budapest.

It was the first leg of a decidedly random but ultimately pretty epic little trip. In a few days we’d hop a train to Prague (an adventure in itself) for a wedding of all things. Never ceases to amaze me, the way things turn out sometimes.

Great Market Hall, Budapest.

More work to come… As always, prints available, upon request…


Neglect is really the only word that comes to mind when I think about my work the last few years. Granted I’ve continued to shoot periodically, but the decision to stay home with our son, the catastrophe of COVID and lock downs and the general rule that life tends to get in the way has made it difficult, to say the least, for me to keep up with the rest of what’s involved in making photographs. Namely, developing, scanning, editing, organizing, printing etc., etc…

Thomas, age 3, Cathay’s Valley, California.

I’m not here to complain, I made choices and I stand by them, priorities shift and I don’t regret any of it, but it’s difficult when things get put in a drawer. So I’m slowly sifting through the work at the moment, trying to make sense of what I’ve seen the last 4 or so years. I’m unclear what if anything will come to light, but I’m hoping that in going back through the negatives something worth while may emerge.

Mission Street, lock down. April of 2020.

Things have slowed a bit, and I’ve managed to comb through some work that I haven’t shared previously. I’ve updated the gallery of street photographs to reflect more recent work, but still have lots to sort through. Additionally I’ve uploaded an entirely new take of portraits, figure work and the like, consisting of images from 2018 to 2022.

With a little time, I’m hoping to share more. For the moment, this is what I’ve got…

Model Society Magazine, Issue 16

Model Society Magazine was good enough to run a big spread of my work in the latest release, Issue 16. The entire issue is over 100 pages featuring six different photographers. There really is a ton of great work in this one. Check the link to grab a copy…

Model Society Magazine Issue 16 Feature

Dear Students, Don't Do This...

Dear Students,

As the new semester approaches, might I offer some sound advice. Please, don’t do this. We know. We always know. Just please don’t…

My notes in italics…

original message - Sent: Sat, 20:47:53 PST

Hi Jo, (really, Jo?)

I hope you are doing well and having a great weekend (uh huh). I am just curious (curious, are you really?) as to why I received a D grade on the most previous assignment despite that I handed in the assignment prior to the dead line? If you could please get back to me at your earliest convince (spelling, sigh) that would be greatly appreciated thank you (buckle up, I’m gonna tell ya).

Kind regards,

xxxx xxxxxx

And my response…


Happy to break things down...

Assignments are due at the beginning of class. The timestamp on your submission is 9:58pm on the 18th, a full 5 hours after class ends. Technically, you're late.

Assignments should be presented during class for discussion, as we've done each week for the last 12 weeks. Participation is 20% of your grade. Additionally, your zoom camera was off for the entirety of class. As per the rules, I should have marked you absent. Students are required to have their cameras on to be marked present for class.

Your submitted images for this assignment are either grossly underexposed, or wildly over edited. Either way they read as quite dark, and not at the technical level that I would expect this late in the course.

The timestamps on your individual images submitted range from 12:51:04pm to 12:52:00pm, which tells me that you spent, quite literally, less than one minute shooting this assignment.

You have checked all the boxes in terms of minimum requirements for the assignment, and that earns you the grade of a C. Given the submission was late and not presented for discussion, you were marked down a full letter grade to a D. The grading criteria is quite clear, and was discussed on the first day of class, as was my policy on late assignments.

If all this seems heavy handed I apologize, I just want to be overwhelmingly clear. I understand you are not a photo major, and that photography may not be your area of interest. And while I keep things quite lax and informal in my class, I can assure you I take this course and the work quite seriously. You can continue to submit the bare minimum for the assignments, and you'll likely pass, but you should not be surprised about your grade.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

Respectfully, your instructor, who is completely fed up with your BS…


So it's been a year...

Maybe longer actually. We got rid of the donald (for the moment), I turned 40 years old (only mildly depressing), mailchimp deleted my account, unbeknownst to me (apologies to my 12 email subscribers), and the United States continues to disappoint in terms of covid response (freedom isn’t free, I’m told, sigh…). I’ve viewed most of these events through the lens of their effect on a toddler, which is to say, he doesn’t care and continues to be a complete maniac bent on destruction. Life goes on. I’ve also spent an inordinate amount of time camping in the woods this last year. Not all bad…

Things are oddly looking pretty good in my little bubble. Case loads are way down in the Bay Area. Vaccinations rates are through the roof, especially in The City. Say what you will about San Francisco Department of Public Health, they stepped up and knocked it out of the park in their response to all this madness.

Attempting, slowly, to sift through the bit of work I did create in the last year or so. Hoping to get back to some sort of normal pace of making images again. Time will tell.

Call this a mic check.