Jessie, Take #2

Last of the weirdness with Jessie in the studio, a thinly veiled homage to the late, great Helmut Newton… my contractor ran off with the little old wooden ladder in these photographs and I’m really bummed about it…

Check out Jessi’s work here…








Word On The Street...

Snapshots from a summer that’s almost gone, at least by San Francisco standards… Hoping to be back to a semi-normal post schedule soon…

#0659_17 - Castro Street

#0659_07 - New Montgomery Street

#0661_04A - Market Street

#0661_07A - Market Street

#0662_00A - O’Farrell Street

#0659_15 - “Happy and Healthy”

#0661_03A - Powell and Market Streets.

#0662_15A - Market Street

Recent Acquisition...

So we had a baby about 2 weeks ago, and I’ve been laying pretty low ever since. Hoping to post more work soon, I’ve got quite a bit on deck, but as was expected, I’m a bit busy. Here are a few Polaroids, because sometimes me and the boy get bored at night so we take pictures.

Thomas Eveland Szymanski, born September 26th, 5:21AM, 8 pounds, 8.9 ounces. Nice ears, close to the head, as my Polish grandmother used to say. He’s got my wife’s nose and my perpetually grumpy scowl…