Sarah, Polaroids

Been shooting with Sarah off and on for some years now... doing another shoot with her in a few weeks in fact. These polaroids are from the last session of ours a few months back.









Could've Been Worse...

I'm not much for vacations in the traditional sense. I get bored, dislike crowds, lines, forced participation, structured entertainment, tours etc. (I'm fun at parties though). I do however enjoy being left alone to read books, consumption of Jack Daniel's, long walks on the beach and poking dead things with sticks. So we went to Kauai. We stayed in a little house on an old sugar plantation and read books and drank (at least I did) and walked on the beach and were generally left alone.  Couldn't have been better...

#0654_09A Pregasaurus, Waimea







Word On The Street...

"You know, I had a meeting with him [Henri Cartier-Bresson], one in particular, it was at this party in Lyon. Big event, you know. I was seated with him and a couple of women. You’ll never guess what he said to me. “William, color is bullshit.” End of conversation. Not another word. "

- William Eggleston





