Fine Art Prints

Print Release, May of 2017 - No. 0433_06A

I've been sitting on this image for a while now... not sure how it fits in to anything else or why I keep coming back to it, but I do, and so I printed it, and here it is, for what it's worth. Some images are like that...

No. #0433_06A - South Lake Tahoe, California. February of 2016. Leica M3, Zeiss 50mm f/1.5 lens, Ilford HP5 400 film.

I'm experimenting with some new paper, digital proofs are printed on Arista Fine-Art Matte this month. It's a thinner paper stock, but it prints a much more neutral, continuous tone image. All 5x7 proofs are printed on Ilford Cold Tone  Fiber, as usual. Prints should hopefully ship out by the end of the week.

If you're not getting a print this month and would like to pick one up, you can find one in my shop here:

To get in on monthly print releases, to support my work, and to get rad stuff in the mail every month, visit

Print Release, April 2017 - No. 0286_33A

Pulling another frame from my archive for the April release. I made this photograph in the Summer of 2014, on our last evening stroll through Old Stockholm before heading North to Ostersund for a week. I ended up using this image as the cover of the last book I put together... Fragments. 

#0286_33A - Tourist, Old Stockholm, Sweden. June of 2014.

Digital proofs are printed on Canson Fiber Rag, 5x7 proofs are printed on Ilford Cold Tone  Fiber. All prints should hopefully ship out by the end of the week. 

If you're interested in picking up a print, you can find one in my shop here: 

If you're interested in a copy of the book "Fragments " you can find signed copies here  or get one direct from the printer here...  

To get in on monthly print releases, to support my work, and to get rad stuff in the mail every month, visit

Above Image: No. #0286_33A - Tourist, Old Stockholm, Sweden. June of 2014.  Leica M2, Leica 35mm f/3.5 lens, Tri-X 400 film.

Print Release, March 2017 - No. 0379_20A

#0379_20A - Kasia, San Francisco 2015

Bringing out an older image from the archive for this months release. Kasia contacted me back in September of 2015 asking me if I was Polish like her and if I'd be interested in shooting. This is by far my favorite frame from the entire shoot...

Digital proofs are printed on Canson Fiber Rag, 5x7 proofs are printed on Ilford Cold Tone Fiber. All prints should ship by the end of the week.

To get in on monthly print releases, to support my work, and to get rad stuff in the mail every month, visit

If you're interested in purchasing a print, you can find it in the shop...


Print Release, February 2017 - No. 0419_28A

A little over a year ago now, on New Years Day, we ended up at the beach... It was freezing and horribly windy but the sun was out and the weather didn't seem to phase the dog one bit, as usual (mine is the little one on the left).

No. #0419_28A - Ocean Beach, San Francisco, Ca. January of 2016.

Digital proofs are printed on Canson Fiber Rag, 5x7 proofs are printed on Ilford Cold Tone Fiber. All prints should ship by the end of the week. Also including some polaroids from a little road trip we took through Palm Springs...

To get in on monthly print releases, to support my work, and to get rad stuff in the mail every month, visit

If you're interested in purchasing a print, you can find it in the shop...

Print Release, January 2017 - No. 0430_25A

#0430_25A - Sonia And Brittany, Queen Anne Hotel. San Francisco, California. February of 2016. Leica M2, Zeiss 35mm f/2 lens, Alford HP5 film.

Occasionally, not often, things just seem to fall into place... having been invited to a party by a model I'd worked with some years prior, along with a few other creatives, a couple other models, a few more photographers, things got weird, and this image happened.

Digital proofs were printed on Canson Fiber Rag, 5x7 proofs were printed on Ilford Cold Tone Fiber. All prints should ship this week.

To get in on monthly print releases and to support my work, visit

If you're interested in purchasing this print you can find it in my shop... Here's the link:

Happy New Year… and enjoy…

Prints, Books, Etc.

So it's the holidays, again... and seeing as the buying season is already running full tilt, I though I'd remind all of you about all the really amazing stuff that you could buy (from me) that isn't from Wal-Mart or Target... so in turn, I can buy more film, bourbon, shampoo, you know, important things...

Fine Art Prints

I've updated and added a bunch of new prints to the shop... and I'll be adding more throughout the month. In addition to regular prints I'm putting up some framed finished pieces that I have on hand at reduced prices...

Books On Demand

All three books that I've put out listed in the shop as signed copies, limited to what I have on hand... you can find them here...

If you're not interested in a signed copy you can pick up any of them on demand through at the links listed below...


No Particular Significance


New Prints, October 2016

Slowly getting everything migrated over to the new platform... working on getting some new prints listed in the shop. Will hopefully be adding more as I go through some past negatives that I've been meaning to print. For now have a look at the print shop for the most recent additions... and as always, stay tuned for more... 

 No. 0363_23A - Castro Street Station. San Francisco, California. June of 2015.

 No. 0363_23A - Castro Street Station. San Francisco, California. June of 2015.

No. 0369_07 - Rodeo Beach, Marin County, CA. July of 2015.

No. 0369_07 - Rodeo Beach, Marin County, CA. July of 2015.

No. 0419_28A - Dogs, Ocean Beach. San Francisco, CA.

No. 0419_28A - Dogs, Ocean Beach. San Francisco, CA.

This Thing Called Patreon


With my list of preoccupations growing, a few months back I essentially shut down the Patreon page that I was attempting to build up. On top of that, migrating my website to another host and switching platforms unexpectedly broke a bunch of the content I had posted previously on Patreon, which tells me two things...

One, Patreon is not a terribly complete platform as of yet and lacks a great deal of functionality (or, I don't actually know how to use it properly, both answers are equally probable.) I'm sure it will come around, they keeping adding new bells and whistles, it just has a ways to go yet.

Two, I've really been going about posting content on Patreon all wrong thus far (not to suggest I know the right way to go about it now, but I'm going to try something different.) So here's what's happening at the moment...

I've scrapped a great deal of the content that I had posted previously on Patreon; the extended takes, larger galleries from studio shoots, etc., have all been pulled, for a host of reasons, the two most important being most of that content was broken, and it would take me an exorbitant amount of time to fix it all.

A couple months ago I changed the release of paid posts / prints from a per month schedule to a per-release structure, meaning patrons are charged only when I release content. For the time being I'm going to keep things this way, however I may go back to a per month release at some point.

I'm going to continue to release regular updates going forward, process notes, some behind the scenes stuff here and there, etc. Long story short, I'm going to use Patreon predominantly to distribute prints on a regular basis to patrons from here on out. Prints will be released no more than once a month moving forward...

Check it out here...

Print Release / Reward Tiers are as follows...

$10 per release: 4.25x5.5 inch digital proof print. Printed with Epson inks on Canson Fiber Rag paper, signed and dated on the back of the print.

$20 per release: 5x7 inch fiberbase proof print, hand made, signed and dated.

$40 per release: 8x10 inch fiberbase proof print, hand made, signed and dated.

$75 per release: 11x14 inch fiberbase master print, hand made, signed, dated and numbered. Selenium toned for permanence.