I decided, at some point, a few months back now, that it was time to start printing. After all, I’ve always said that a photograph isn’t finished until you put in on paper. The vast majority of my work has never existed beyond the negative, and is never really seen outside of the digital world. This bores me terribly.
It also occurred to me that I’m sitting on an archive of images from San Francisco, some of which I think are pretty ok, spanning almost 25 years and it was time to do something.
So I’ve been locked in the darkroom, printing old street pictures from the last couple decades. It’s reminded me why I’ve stuck with analog materials all these years, I enjoy the process, I love making things with my hands, and I much prefer the idea that a photograph is a three dimensional object that you can hold and hang on a wall and give away, rather than the digital dust they’ve become.
I’ll be hanging some work in July in San Francisco, details to come, hopefully a dry run to something larger. If nothing else, it’ll be a wild party with a bunch of old pictures to look at, could be worse...
In other news, I made a stack of postcards in the darkroom on a whim. Shoot me an email if you want one in the mail. I love mailing stuff, it’s a thing, I can’t explain it.