Signs and Other Grievances...

I’ve had a little project on the back burner for awhile now that I was calling ‘Signs’ but Lee Friedlander stole my title… can’t really compete with that. Drop me a line if you’ve got a good title you’re willing to part with.




Posted a few images to Instagram on a whim, haven’t really kept up with it at all. Promptly lost a bunch of followers. #blessedbythealgorithm

Slowing catching up on film and scans and editing. Have a few other projects in the works that I’m picking at. Watch for the signs project soon, or whatever I end up calling it. Seriously though, if you’ve got a good title…

July, July...

If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? If I make a photograph and don’t share it on the internet, does it really exist?

While I continue to create new images, circumstances have kept me from the scanning of, editing and sharing of said photographs in digital form. Does that make the work any less relevant? Do we now base success solely on likes, presence, reach, and the ability to game ‘the algorithm?’

As someone who has shared the vast majority of his work online in digital form, this is something I think about a great deal, especially when it no longer becomes viable, interesting, or even entertaining…

The internet no longer seems to be the place for me, or my work, or for anyone pursuing a labor of love for that matter. Unless blessed by the algorithm, or enhanced by a marketing team, or backed by some juggernaut of the media industry, independent creators seem to toil away in obscurity the way we always have. Gone are the days of the weblog of the prolific artist, the unregulated world of tumblr, or even the simple chronological feed of Facebook or Instagram.

I see less and less draw to sharing work online, beyond a simple record, or to augment a ‘brick and mortar’ project. My photographs have always been rooted in the analog, the tactile, the three dimensional object. I will of course continue to share work here, though my interest lies largely in the printed image.

Not bitter, just realistic. I leave you with a recent image of the catalyst for this rant.

Thomas, 8 months old - 2019.

June Update...

Knee deep in re-writing curriculum, summer travels and 8 month old boy management, with little time to scan or print or post. I have a few things I’m picking at on the back burner, still in search of linear feet for a 35 piece show, looking to start work on a short series I’ve been developing…

#0140_35A - From the series Midnight, 2012

#0140_35A - From the series Midnight, 2012

For now, a small gallery update, from a little book project I put together some years ago entitled Midnight. Have a look in the gallery archive.

#0183_01 - From the series Midnight, 2012

#0183_01 - From the series Midnight, 2012

#0416_17 - From the series Midnight, 2012

#0416_17 - From the series Midnight, 2012

StartUp Art Fair Post-Mortem...

Been completely MIA for the last week or so following the StartUp Art Fair. It was a ton of work and ton of prep and a serious grind for three straight days, but it was a riot for sure. Thanks to everyone that came out, met a ton of cool folks. Ran into Jason Andrescavage who was exhibiting with BAPC, we’ve kinda been internet stalking each others work for years but had never met. All in all it was a fun event, here’s a few snaps from my room, though it doesn’t quite do it justice…

Also did a goofy little Facebook live interview with Ray Beldner the event promoter… which is mildly entertaining given that I’d already had a couple cocktails…

Here’s the link if the embed doesn’t work:

StartUp Art Fair, April 26th-28th...

Hanging work for the StartUp Art Fair tomorrow…. I’ll be on the top floor in room 325 with roughly 30 pieces on display. Opening night is Friday, April 26th, 7pm at the Hotel Del Sol. Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door. With over 60 artist’s participating it should be a hell of an event…

#0705_09A - Lost Hills, Ca. 2019 - From the series “Unwritten Notes”