The March For Our Lives, March 24th, 2018, in San Francisco. What a sad and tragic thing to have to stage, but nonetheless amazing that so many people, and so many young students, came out to voice their opinion, in grief and anger, we're fed up, we're tired of guns, this must stop.
Juno, Take #1
First take on film with Juno from February... amazing window light in this space I've been shooting in recently. Everything below was shot on Ilford HP5 400 film with available light only. Check out Juno's work at More scans coming soon...
Sonia, Portraits
So for a few years now we've had these little get togethers, some models and photographers and creative types, it was all started by Sonia on her birthday a while back and it's been a thing ever since. Things tend to get weird. Thought I'd share a few portraits I shot last time around of Sonia, just for giggles. You can see more of her work at
That's Cat, who jumped in there randomly in the last couple frames... you can see Cat's work at
Juno, Polaroids
Still working through a giant pile of films scans, but was able to clean up the Polaroids from my February shoot with Juno. My stash is now down to 5 boxes of color and 11 boxes of black and white polaroid pack film, and then that's it... gone, no more, forever. Such a shame...
Word On The Street...
Buried in scans and grades and students and other stuff, not much time for wandering the streets these days, and the rain definitely puts a damper on things... For now a few frames from the past couple months. Got a lot on deck, more scans and Polaroids and what not to come...